Health Bound Nutritional Therapy

A Functional Approach to Health & Wellness

Are you tired of feeling unwell and not getting answers?

Do you struggle with:

  • Low energy and chronic fatigue

  • Digestive problems (constipation, diarrhea, IBS, leaky gut, bloating, SIBO, acid reflux, etc)

  • Anxiety, depression, chronic stress

  • Food sensitivities

  • Brain fog, lack of focus or attention

  • Inadequate and unrestful sleep

  • Difficulty losing or gaining weight

  • Finding that “perfect” diet for you

  • Not feeling like yourself

  • Finding ways to create a healthy lifestyle

  • Mood fluctuations

  • Blood Sugar Dysregulation

  • Finding answers to your symptoms after tests and labs are all normal

  • Finding someone who looks at the WHOLE you


More and more people are getting impacted by annoying, sometimes even debilitating, symptoms. From one doctor to the next, one medication to the next, one diet to the next, some find relief (ah! that relief!)…temporarily. These symptoms are your body’s way of communicating with you that something is off-balance. Your body is not telling you it needs a band-aid to manage those symptoms; it’s begging for support on a deeper level to manage the reason behind those symptoms. Let’s partner together to reveal where your symptoms are generating from and tackle the cause together. Yes, it’s work…but it’s work that will allow you to…


About Malika

Malika Patel received her M.S. in Counseling & Development and B.A. in Psychology from Texas Woman’s University. She is a Functional Healthcare Practitioner, certified Nutritional Therapy Practitioner (NTP), a Restorative Wellness Practitioner (RWP), and a Functional Blood Chemistry Specialist (FBCS). Her own health journey led her to her second calling as an NTP. She is passionate about exploring the avenues of nutrition, lifestyle, behavior, and thoughts in relation to digestion, gut health, blood sugar regulation, chronic fatigue, and stress/anxiety. Malika has always been interested in discovering the root to any problem, whether emotionally, mentally, or nutritionally, rather than temporarily masking symptoms. She is passionate about having her clients experience the relief she has personally gotten from nutritional therapy.

Click below to read about Malika’s personal health journey.


 Get started with Health Bound
